Monday, June 9, 2008

The Power of the Sense of Smell

When writing a sexy story, always keep in mind scent. Scent is a very powerful aphrodisiac and draw people together. It can trigger feelings of sexual excitement, passion and intensity.

Think about your favorite smells and what they mean to you. You ex boyfriends cologne. What do you feel when you smell it? How about your current boyfriends cologne? How does that make you feel?

Think about your favorite sexual encounter. Was it on a fling or what type of situation was it in? If if was a one night stand, you might have smelled the stale alcohol from the club in the morning, that can trigger feelings of sexual arousal for some people. After shave is another popular scent because it means that they guy is clean, prepped and ready to go.

If you incorporate scent into your story line, the simple act of describing scent will cause the reader to pick up on your cues and imagine the smells themselves. When you describe scent. you want to keep it with the theme of your story. I will go back to the stale alcohol. Many people might think that this makes no sense but in fact, the stale alcohol can describe raw, animal sex. Uninhibited, taboo and bad. It can run with the theme of your erotic story.

A suggestion I would recommend to use in your sex story the scent of flavored lubricants. The smells are very sweet and erotic, they are made to excite the sexual mood so this is an easy way to be original in your story with a erotic scent and it will be easy to describe. Most of your readers will be able to relate to the delicious smell of flavored sex lube and for those who don't know, they might even be tempted to give it a try on their next sexual encounter.

Another sweeter scent could be scented candles. It tends to be over done so I would avoid this but if you are a novice erotic author then the candles are easy to describe and help to set the mood. Try not to stock with the candles because like I just said, they have been overdone and are not original.

This brings up my next point. Think originality. Your scent can be the fresh nail polish from t eh girl who just finished getting herself pretty for sex. This means that she is freshly shaven, freshly styled and ready to go, fresh like a newly picked apple.

When you describe scents, it will really enhance the mood and draw people into the story by making your readers really get involved and feel one with your sexy story.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Get in the Mood of a Man

If you feel that your creativity is stifled a little bit and you are limited to certain positions or certain scenes, why not fully immerse yourself in the raunchiness of sex?

Yes, I mean watch some porn. You don't have to go out and walk into a adult movies tore, you can get some video on demand online or even pay per view on your television.

What watching an erotic movie will do is get you in a creative mood. Think of it as research. You will watch and notice the andlges of the camera, the potitions, facial expressions, sounds and intensity if orgasm.

You can get ideas that you might not have e thought of like female ejaculate for example. Most porn movies have some story line but I would recommend not using the story line that you see for two reason, first, the plot is usually severely lacking and secondly, if you want to market your story, you may get sued by the adult movie corporation if you copy their storyline, and we all know how much money these ultra powerful adult entertainment companies have!

Remember in english class in high school or college? When you studied a movie and analyzed it? This is what you will be doing here. You can open your mind for example when the camera does a close up on oral sex. You can easily describe the pulling if the vagina lips, describe the tongue flowing through the lips and circling the clitoris lie a waterfall. You can describe the movements of his tongue and her naughty parts.

Watching adult movies will get you i the mood for sex too, so writing will be much easier. You can describe your intimate places better then put them into your story later.

Some professional erotic story writers will write pieces of scenes and catalog them to use them
when they need. For example, you might feel in a romantic mood and you need to write about oral sex. If you are not feeling the motion of this, then select youth expert of oral sex that you wrote while watching a couple having oral sex on your television.

watching porn movies will also give you ideas for potions because each movie needs to stand out somehow to not drown in the crowd of adult movies so each one is sure that have a good idea of something that you might not have thought of before.